The Church
Castle St URC is a listed building dating from
1793 with a fine organ. In the rear garden, members have recently cleared
scrub and laid out grass, fruit trees and plants to make a pleasant outdoor
The Congregation
We have elderly, frail
members but also some younger
members. Attendance at the Sunday service
is between 6 and 15. Members are very loyal and devoted and bring an
intelligent interest to their worship. We are seen as a friendly and
welcoming congregation. Once a month, an interdenominational Welsh service
is held. There is a Welsh carol service and a Gymanfa Ganu (hymn festival)
which attract Welsh speakers from the area, including children from the
Welsh medium primary school.
We are ecumenical in outlook, have
some joint services with the Methodists and are active in the Council of
Churches. This year we hosted services for the Women‟s World Day of Prayer,
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Christian Aid. During Abergavenny
Food Festival, we have had exhibitions of quilts, photographs, displays by
VSO, the local History Society, international charities and Fair Trade,
raising money for charities.
The church supports Fair Trade and has a strong interest in overseas
development as 2 members are returned VSO volunteers.